MTC Away Days

Helping develop leaders and enabling teams to become high-performing.

MTC Away Days

Helping develop leaders and enabling teams to become high-performing.

Team Building Away Days have changed! Though we could put your Team through an “SAS, Who Dares Wins!” type of challenge, if you want to genuinely build the Trust, Respect, Empathy, Emotional Intelligence and Vision,  leave your wellies at home, we can bring our ‘inward-bounds’ course to you.

Our Away Days are comprised of a variety of bespoke workshops that demonstrate the way to unleash the collective potential in Teams in order to maximise their effectiveness and to create thriving teams. The sessions explore Team dynamics, Team psychology, Shared Visions/Goals whilst also building Trust, Confidence, Motivation and Morale.

Key Content

  • Developing Shared visions and goals
  • Building trust, confidence, motivation, and morale
  • Experiential learning and self-awareness Development
  • Optimising internal team performance
  • Understanding emotional intelligence
  • Understanding personality types
  • Trust-building exercises
  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Commitment and accountability strategies
  • Focusing on collective results
  • Utilising Belbin profiles
  • DeBono’s Six Thinking Hats for understanding personality
  • Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
  • Well-being and stress resilience through Positive Psychology

Example of Day Outline 

0900 – Arrival and Coffee
0930 – Welcome and Introduction to the day (Organiser)
0945 – Intro and Expectations
1000 – Session 1 – Habit 1 “Be Proactive”
1040 – Activity 1
1100 – Coffee Break
1115 – Session 2 – Habit 2 “Begin with the End in Mind” & Appreciative Enquiry
1220 – Activity 2
1245 – Lunch
1345 – Session 3 – Habit 5 “Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood”
1425 – Activity 3
1445 – Coffee Break
1500 – Session 4 – Habit 6 “Synergise”
1545 – Activity 4
1615 – Closing and Q&A